Wellbeing in Later Life

The Centre for Ageing Better asked Ipsos MORI to speak to older people about what makes for a good later life. The research found three key things were impor...

What makes a good life?

As we get older, our bodies start changing, but what makes a good life doesn’t change too much. We start to understand that what matters when you are in your 30’s is similar to what matters when you are in your 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, etc… your 90’s. In this 10 minute video, older adults talk about the importance of “being in good health, and staying active, financial security, and social connections.”

Gregory Hwee

An explorer at heart and a self-proclaimed art and nature-lover, Greg has a passion to push boundaries in helping the community around him. With 14 years of operations management experience in hospitality, real estate, and healthcare, Greg’s interest in aging services include preventive health and emotional well-being, promoting intergenerational relationships, and just helping others and himself live a good life. He holds a master’s degree in Aging Services Management from USC and a bachelor’s in Economics from UCSD.


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