Singapore and their action plan for successful aging


Having one of the fastest aging populations in the world, Singapore is one of the first, if not the first, country to adopt a master plan on aging. In this plan, they share their ideas on employability, transportation, housing, civic opportunities, life-long learning, health and wellness, social engagement, aging services, public spaces, and research for a rapidly-aging society.

The full plan conducted by The Ministerial Committee on Ageing in Singapore can be viewed by clicking the photo.

Gregory Hwee

An explorer at heart and a self-proclaimed art and nature-lover, Greg has a passion to push boundaries in helping the community around him. With 14 years of operations management experience in hospitality, real estate, and healthcare, Greg’s interest in aging services include preventive health and emotional well-being, promoting intergenerational relationships, and just helping others and himself live a good life. He holds a master’s degree in Aging Services Management from USC and a bachelor’s in Economics from UCSD.


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