Share Kanazawa: Japan’s “mixed” living community for healthy aging

From The Modern Age:

“What kind of senior living community do your parents want to live in? How about you? Aging in place is the most popular answer these days but not always the most practical or feasible. Most nursing homes, assisted living facilities, retirement homes, retirement communities are too institutional – not a place where I would want to live out the rest of my years. There are community alternatives, cohousing options and intentional communities gaining popularity. In Kanazawa, Japan, I found one such village called Share Kanazawa. As we think about issues of continuing care, it is critical that we think not only of the practical aspects of a senior community but also of the emotional value a home brings to a person.”

*Photo from Good Design Award:

Gregory Hwee

An explorer at heart and a self-proclaimed art and nature-lover, Greg has a passion to push boundaries in helping the community around him. With 14 years of operations management experience in hospitality, real estate, and healthcare, Greg’s interest in aging services include preventive health and emotional well-being, promoting intergenerational relationships, and just helping others and himself live a good life. He holds a master’s degree in Aging Services Management from USC and a bachelor’s in Economics from UCSD.


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