PLANifax Video - Age Friendly Communities

PLANifax created a great short clip sharing ideas on building communities that work for all ages.

Taken from their website, “PLANifax has a mandate to inspire the public to think critically, understand, and advocate for their community by informing and engaging the public through the digitized form. Its vision is that every community member will have a basic knowledge of urban and land use planning theories, and will be aware of local issues and development projects so that they may make informed decisions.”

Gregory Hwee

An explorer at heart and a self-proclaimed art and nature-lover, Greg has a passion to push boundaries in helping the community around him. With 14 years of operations management experience in hospitality, real estate, and healthcare, Greg’s interest in aging services include preventive health and emotional well-being, promoting intergenerational relationships, and just helping others and himself live a good life. He holds a master’s degree in Aging Services Management from USC and a bachelor’s in Economics from UCSD.


Overcoming Fear of Aging


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