engAGED National Resource Center: Tips on Developing Intergenerational Engagement Opportunities

Sharing from engAGED National Resource Center:

“This webinar focused on intergenerational social engagement programs. During the webinar, Generations United shared on how intergenerational programs provide social engagement that benefits older and younger generations, including current trends and tips for developing local programs. Appalachian Agency for Senior Citizens, DOROT and the University of Colorado Anschutz Multidisciplinary Center on Aging then highlighted intergenerational programs offered by their organizations and discussed how other organizations can create and implement similar offerings.”

Runtime: 1 hour

Gregory Hwee

An explorer at heart and a self-proclaimed art and nature-lover, Greg has a passion to push boundaries in helping the community around him. With 14 years of operations management experience in hospitality, real estate, and healthcare, Greg’s interest in aging services include preventive health and emotional well-being, promoting intergenerational relationships, and just helping others and himself live a good life. He holds a master’s degree in Aging Services Management from USC and a bachelor’s in Economics from UCSD.


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